About Us

About us

Welcome to Insuliv, your friendly Canadian online pharmacy dedicated to making insulin affordable for everyone!

After looking at alternatives

Introduction and Savings

We began our journey with a simple yet powerful realization: the cost of life-saving insulin in America was sky-high. This struck a chord with us, and so Insuliv was born, fueled by a mission to make insulin affordable for Americans living with diabetes.

We’re proud to say that with Insuliv, you can save up to a whopping 90% on your insulin expenses. Yes, you read that right – 90%!

A perfect fit for your every day life

How Insuliv Works and Shipping

How do we do it? It’s simple. We operate in Canada where medicine costs are kept fair and low, thanks to a board called the Canadian Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. They set the prices for our medicines, and we strictly follow them.

But what does this mean for you? You get the exact same insulin you trust, but at super low prices!

And the best part? We ship your insulin straight to your doorstep within 72 hours, and yes, we do it the right way with refrigerated shipping.

We’re excited to have you here. Ready to see how much you can save? Click here to find your insulin and start your journey to affordable healthcare with Insuliv!

At Insuliv, we’re not just a pharmacy; we’re your partners in health, committed to making your life easier, healthier, and more affordable.

Simplicity in design and form

We’re just getting started

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